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Are Cloud Providers Leading Us Down the Wrong Path?

Are Cloud Providers Leading Us Down the Wrong Path? woman in brown coat and blue denim jeans walking on wooden bridge during daytime

This week, the AWS re:Invent conference is taking place in Las Vegas. This conference is a "must-attend" event for the cloud computing industry, and it grows larger every year. However, InfoWorld contributor David Linthicum suggests that we should focus on our business needs instead of getting caught up in the shiny new technology. He believes that cloud providers are leading us down the wrong paths, and that instead of tackling the core problems at hand, we're distracted by the new features and tools. Linthicum suggests that we should focus on the business needs and not get too caught up in the technology.

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of new technology, but it's important to remember that it's not always the best solution for our business needs. It's important to take a step back and think about the core problems that need to be solved and how the technology can help us do that. We should be careful not to get too distracted by the bells and whistles of the technology and instead focus on the business needs.

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